
Featured Photos - November 2022

While November clouds wrap a gray blanket around Portland, it's always sunny in our minds and bright and colorful in our studio. Here's a sample of the beautiful pictures we took of beautiful people in the month of November.

Amanda, Way Too Fun

To quote her agent: “Holy cow, you two! I'm glad I don't have to narrow it down (to the finals). Love, love, love!” What else can we say?

Amanda’s represented in Portland by TMM Talent and is a master student at Acting for Kids and Teens. See some more teen portfolios here.

Tiffany, Because

One of Portland’s best known and most successful models (as if you couldn’t tell) as well as an actor on the rise, Tiff came to us for new acting headshots because, as she said, “you’re the headshot guy in Portland.” And then we took a few modeling shots, too, ‘cuz we just couldn’t resist.

Tiffany is represented by The Option Agency.

Mya, Colorfully

We’re in love with warm yellows and apple greens these days, just like we’ve been in love with Mya for as long as we’ve been taking pictures. And the blue nails with the blue hair and the maroon pants is just the best.

Collin and Kristen, Coincidentally

We’re posting Collin and Kristen together because a) they’re good friends who’ve work together on a number of productions, b) they both shot new headshots with us on the same day and c) they both work really fast. (We think it took about 20 minutes to shoot Collin, start to finish, All-Star pro that he is).

Jorja, Perfectly

Range, range, range. That’s the name of the game with teen headshots and Jorja just kills it: serious girl, smart girl and fun girl looks that are all uniquely HER.

Alli, Not Awkwardly

Alli came to us to get new headshots and “not be awkward in front of the camera.” We’re not exactly sure what she was talking about ‘cuz she crushed it.

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

Featured Photos - October 2022

Fall colors and colorful photos are the highlights of our October collection of featured photos.

Kaci, We Guess

Inspired by the Guess? Jeans ads of the 1990s, we shot these awesome pictures of Kaci in our backyard. We’re particularly proud of how were made the tree-filled Pacific Northwest look like the Old West.

Ayah and Jordyn, The Sisters

It should be no surprise that this sister team, whom we visit every time we’re in Phoenix, work in the industry all the time. Beyond being completely cute, they are consummate professionals!

Catch up with everything Jordyn on her Instagram and see what’s up with Ayah over here on her Instagram.

Calvin and Chloe, Together

Calvin and Chloe are another set of sibs who just rock the camera. This image is from the first of what we hope are many more sessions!

Calvin and Chloe are represented by Sports and Lifestyle Unlimited.

Sophie and Bowie, At The Best

Sophie and Bowie both joined us for the first time to shoot their first kid modeling portfolios. Sophie legitimately knows what to do with a basketball (and a soccer ball and just about every other ball) and Bowie is just plain cool in every way. With a name like Bowie, it’s no surprise.

Sophie is represented by Ryan Artists while Bowie is part of the Sports and Lifestyle Unlimited roster.

Jack and Keegan, With Confidence

Teen portfolios were big on our schedule of fall sessions, with long time client Jack getting some environmental shots for his update and Keegan coming to the studio for, among other things, some awesomely artistic black and whites.

Both Jack and Keegan are represented by Ryan Artists.

Kaitlyn, On The Move

Another of our favorite folks from down Phoenix way, Kaitlyn is headed to school in Nevada in the fall and, hopefully, to Portland on the regular as she was just signed with TMM Talent based on this beautiful set of portfolio pictures.

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

Featured Photos - September 2022

September is the season for headshots as actors of all ages get ready for fall and winter castings. But, first, some of our favorite kid portfolio pictures from the last month.

Lizzie, The Loveliest

We don’t play favorites but, if we did, Lizzie would be at the top of our list. Ever since she moved to Portland from Austin, TX, she’s been a regular in front of our camera. She’s one of the sweetest people we know and SUPER talented.

Lizzie is represented by The Option Agency.

Charleigh, Rhymes With “Sparkleigh”

This little gem sped around Portland’s Pearl District last month to make one of the cutest portfolios of the year.

After she got her pictures, she was signed almost immediately to the wonderful TMM Talent.

Josie, To Cool For School

This is the perfect kids headshot portfolio: a bright and smiley commercial image on the left and an edgier “too cool for school” image on the right. Perfection!

Steph, With Range

We love this collection of acting headshots from our friend and TMM Talent actor Steph Ayako. The edgy black and white image in the middle was something of an afterthought and is one of our favorites.

Brandon, Completely

Brandon wins the award for the most prepared headshot subject in the history of Michael Verity Photography. He came with every outfit perfectly dialed-in and a list of all the looks he wanted to accomplish, which is why we accomplished so many great looks. What’s that they say? “Proper preparation prevents poor performance?”

Hailey, Well, Perfectly

OK, we’ll use the word “perfect” one more time because that’s what this teen headshot collection is: the perfect mix of smiles and serious, commercial and theatrical.

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

Featured Photos - August 2022

A last grasp at summer before the colors of fall start to fall in place.

Kaci, At The Beach

From the day we met her, as a teenager, when she came to a shoot with her friend, we’ve been enamored of Kaci. We can says it’s because of her beauty or her skills as a model but, when all is said and done, it’s really about her smile and the warmth it comes from.

Paulina, Beautiful

Our session with this gem, who’s represented by The Option Agency, was nothing but a treat. Fun, energetic, easy to work with, the three most important traits of a kid model.

Abbey, Thoughtfully

We got to shoot with Abbey a couple of times this year, the latest being in August at the beach. That thoughtful look you see here is exactly what she’s like in real life: focused, centered and kind.

Brad, Also Thoughtfully

Brad is an author and chairman of the non-profit organization Rockwood Community Development. He came to us for a headshot for his Simon and Schuster book, The Flourishing Community, scheduled to publish in January. Along with some wonderful suit-and-tie images, we captured this great shot on my front porch.

Weston, Happily

There’s a reason why this kid works all the time. Because he steps in front of the camera and BOOM!, it’s done. Can’t beat that!

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

Featured Photos - July 2022

Summer is about being outdoors and making wonderful pictures while Mother Earth is in full sunshine mode.

Grace, Amazingly

Check out our kids headshot page and see if you can find the adorable headshot we did of Grace several years ago. Then come back and look at what she brings to the camera today for her teen modeling portfolio. The love continues!

Luke, Home Alone

OK, so he was actually standing on the sidewalk in downtown Portland but, with an awesome character like Luke, you have to give the Home Alone vibe a little play. Luke’s a long time client and a member of the youth acting roster at Ryan Artists.

Actors and Models and Business People, Oh My

One of our favorite people to photograph is that handsome fellow on the left, Mr. Matt Berger, who is a Portland-based actor and comedian. To the right, is the up-and-coming model, Tyler Posey, with the engaging businessman, Bryan Becker, sandwiched in between. From wherever we start — acting, modeling or business — we always finish with great headshots.

As Always, Piper

What can we say about Piper that hasn’t been said already? One of the smartest, most intuitive young actors in Portland and one of the sweetest, kindest people you’ll ever meet. Here are more wonderfully beautiful images of a wonderfully beautiful kid.

Devyn, In A Breathtaking Way

Speaking of beautiful, have you ever seen a more captivating face? We’ve known Devyn since she was just a wee babe and we lose our breath every time we get to see her in front of the camera.

Olivia, With Character

Speaking of kids we’ve known for awhile, this beautiful shot of Olivia comes to us many years since we first worked with her. Those eyes and that smile, though, have always been there.

Piper, For A Moment

This Piper reach out to us while in town this summer, vacationing from the heat of Phoenix, Arizona. With clothing styled by Carson Verity and hair and makeup by Karina Talaro, this session just rocked. And, as you can see, we had a little fun while we were doing it.

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

10 Favorite Beach Sessions of 2021


Throughout our time with Kyra at the beach — in fact, anytime we’re with Kyra at any location — we experience a person who’s always so genuine and open and authentic that any picture we take feels like it was meant to be. Such is the case here with this classic ‘ballet-on-the-beach” shot. What could have been a total cliche feels so free and natural because, well, Kyra is always so free and natural. We’re watching Kyra enjoy a lot of success in the acting and modeling business and we know the secret reason why.


We’ve done a half dozen sessions with Heather since we met a few years ago and we’re so impressed with how her modeling skills continue to grow. She’s always had the right moves and a wealth of confidence but, lately, we’ve watched that evolve into the kind of stuff you see from A-level models in cities like New York and Paris. This picture from last year’s session at the beach was, to our eyes, a moment when she owned her beauty and her style in way we’d never seen before. She’s truly a joy to photograph.

Some Dude on a Boogie Board

What can I say? I was waiting for a clothing change, saw this guy doing his thing in the shallows and asked if I could take his picture. It took a few takes but we managed to capture him mid-air. (I used to do sport photography so, truth be told, it wasn’t that hard.)


We’ve been photographing people at the beach for the better part of 8 years and Mya has been with us the whole way. We love this picture because it so different from what we typically shoot in the sand, from the pink glasses (that match her hair) to the sparkly denim jacket to the ‘crybaby’ necklace. Her skin against the gold sand, her jacket against the blue skin, the light falling across her face. Yeah, it’s pretty perfect.


To us, this feels like a poster for a coming-of-age movie set in the Hamptons or at Cape Cod, sometime in the 80s. There she is: looking to her future. Cue 80s music and that’s a wrap.


To us, Lilian is the consummate beach girl. Maybe it’s the way her sparkling blue eyes and golden blonde hair jump out from the beach blue and tan background. Maybe it’s the way she grabs the camera and makes you pay attention (s0mething she’s been doing since we started working with her years ago). Or maybe it’s just because she’s Lilian and she’s fabulous.


Many a musician has been quoted as saying “writing about music is like dancing about architecture" (or, as Martin Mull once said, “talking about music is like singing about economics".) The same can be said for photos: sometimes they should be left to speak for themselves. And so this one does exactly that. Our only regret about this session was that it had to end.


It’s never a question of whether Kloe’s beach pictures will be included in a “best of” collection, it’s a question of how many and which ones. We hate picking just one but, with those rules afoot, we always come back to this one. It is for us a remarkable blend of beauty and innocence with strength and power. It reminds us of the Claudia Schiffer Guess images from the 1980s and, for that we say: cool.

Featured Photos - June 2022

Spring is here, summer’s on the way and Portland is ready for new headshots and portfolios.

Katharine, For Fun

Katharine is actually a sales engineer in the medical field but you wouldn’t know it from looking at her pictures. She checked in with us for a portfolio shoot because it was something she always wanted to do. Bucket list item complete. Check! Pictures awesome. Check!

Terri, Parth and Tracy, Moving Forward

Terri, Parth and Tracy are unsigned actors who came to us for new headshots, knowing that a quality image is a key tool in their marketing profile. Each picture feels uniquely personal to them and that means we’re hitting all the cues.

Samantha, Playfully

Ryan Artists talent Samantha came to visit us for a new portfolio as she expands her young career as a model and actor. You can tell from her pictures that she has great range, from fun to serious, that will pay off boldly in the months to come.

Lizzie and Versula, With Sunshine and Rainbows

We photographed these kiddos on the same day and in the same place. For Lizzie (The Option Agency) we did a custom Rockstar Session to celebrate her upcoming birthday. For Versula, it was time for her yearly portfolio update. We learned from Lizzie, a budding singer and songwriter, that she’s way too talented to be so young and, from Versula, we learned all about Little Red Riding Hood … in French!

Chaudrey, Perfectly

We worked with Chaudrey (SLU Agency) on some headshots a while back so we knew when he said “portfolio” we would say “perfect.” This is a preview of what we got: bold and colorful pictures of a handsome, athletic model and actor.

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

Featured Photos - May 2022

A collection of our favorites from the month of May, from kids headshots to modeling portfolios to our favorite fashion editorials.

Kyra, Confidently

The most important information an actor brings to a headshot session is knowing where in their face they tell their story. For some people, it’s their smile. For others, it’s the turn of an eyebrow. For Kyra, it’s in her eyes. Once she realized this (and started to believe that she takes a good picture), this amazingly confident headshot came to life.

Matt, Artistically

Music is a huge part of what we do. (Remember The Rockstar Sessions?) So we were thrilled when Matt came in for publicity pictures for his upcoming EP. Not only do we love his music, we love the range of these images.

Emma, In Many Ways

Speaking of range, how about these headshots of Emma? She came to us for 4 different and distinct looks for her agency, DDO, in NYC: commercial, “bully,” nerdy and one that captures a little of her unique personality. And I have to say: we nailed it!

Jamie, Naturally

Yeah, so we’re huge fans of Jamie Mack (seen our IG lately?) and this, our last fashion editorial before she heads off to college, is one of our best. We already did one Shooting Stars feature on her already and you can be sure there will be another in the future.

Mya, Beautifully

On the same day we shot Jamie, we also did these images of the incredibly beautiful Mya Van Koten at one of our favorite places to work: Merrywood Farm. No matter what she wears or where we shoot, we’re stunned by how beautiful she is.

Kloe, in Black and White

OK, so we’re just overloaded with good fortune to be working with such beautiful and interesting people. And at the top of our list is the amazing Kloe Armstrong. These images, taken in downtown Vancouver, WA and in collaboration with Most Everything Vintage, were inspired by Mondino and Bowie, but without the cigarettes.

Hair and makeup for Emma, Jamie, Mya and Kloe by Karina Talaro. Wardrobe styling for Jamie and Mya by Claire Verity in collaboration with Most Everything Vintage. Wardrobe styling for Kloe by Michael in collaboration with Most Everything.

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

Featured Photos - April 2022

Spring is the time for new professional headshots and modeling portfolio updates. Here’s a selection of new work from the past month.

Avery, Simply

Sometimes, when the vibes at a session are particularly cool, we’ll shoot a few extra frames at the end, just to see what happens. This image was taken at the very finish of the headshot session with our new friend, Avery. There’s something about the old soul behind those knowing eyes that just captivated us. Add a little black and white magic and you have an image worth featuring.

Hudson, Energetically

Without question one of the sweetest (and most polite!) 3-year olds we’ve ever met, Hudson came to our studio this past month to get his first portfolio for his agency, Ryan Artists. He was so easy and fun to work with we captured his full portfolio — 3 outfits — in the snap of our fingers. Kids portfolios are our jam and kids like Hudson are the reason why.

Alexa, Artistically

For years, we’ve told actors: “If you want what successful actors have, do what successful actors do.” And success actors, like the Damons and the Robbies of the world, do a lot of editorial sessions. So we were totally “chuffed,” as our British friends say, when Alexa said she wanted to do a fashion editorial. We rented out a big studio, put together some great outfits, did some beautiful hair and makeup and crushed this wonderful session.

Jamie, Athletically

We’re both super excited and a little sad that our dear friend, Jamie, will be headed to the other side of the planet for college this fall. So we’re gathering up as many sessions as we can with her, including this wonderful couple of ath-leisure shots, made right in our studio.

Theron, Classically

Theron came to us looking for some senior pictures with a bit of a classic twist. So we took him and his Grandma’s chair out into the field in front of our house and kicked off this wonderful senior session with a wonderfully organic vibe.

Nicolette, Rebecca, Kaylee and Ryan, Creatively

These four people are all actors with Portland ties who posses a variety of skills and experiences, from just starting out to extensive work in film and live theater. One thing they have in common is they know how important it is to have a high quality acting headshot. All four joined us in April to create some new headshots and we’re pretty darn pleased with the results.

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

How To Create A Modeling Portfolio

Great visual presentation is essential in all professions. But when it comes to modeling, looking fabulous is a must and it all begins with your portfolio. As an aspiring model, your portfolio is your resume; it is often the first impression a client or an agency gets of you. 

Creating a modeling portfolio is so much more than putting together a collection of images. Unlike a collection, a portfolio conveys a story about who you are, showcases your talent and versatility as a model and tells the client why you are the best person for the job.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a fantastic modeling portfolio for a great first impression on clients and agencies.

How Do You Create A Modeling Portfolio?

A modeling portfolio is a series of professionally taken shots that showcases your abilities as a model. It’s a critical part of marketing your skills to clients and often makes the difference between landing a modeling gig or not. In short, you must make it count. 

Before we get into how to create an eye-catching portfolio that will boost your modeling career, it’s important to know that a modeling portfolio is not reproducible. Each model, including you, has distinct physical and psychological features to showcase. Instead of emulating another “more successful” model’s portfolio, focus on showing what makes you stand out from the other models.

1. Determine Your Modeling Type

The first step of building a great portfolio is deciding what specific type of modeling you are best suited for or prefer. Although the modeling industry has been actively embracing diversity and breaking stereotypes, your facial structure, body type and general appearance still play a part in the assignments you get.

Understanding the type of modeling you are best suited for can increase the chances of success in landing jobs and make creating a portfolio easier. Fortunately, there are many different types of modeling you can get into. From commercial modeling, fashion and runway to fitness modeling. 

Selecting one type of modeling will help you understand the expectations your clients will have for your portfolio. It also helps potential clients to easily assess your skills and suitability for a specific role. Research the different types of modeling and the kind of shots you need in your portfolio. 

2. Practice Your Posing 

Posing for a camera is an art that you must learn as a model. While it may seem straightforward, it is way more complicated than people realize. As a model, your poses should bring out your best angles and make the clothing or outfit look their best. 

Modeling photoshoots tend to take a long time, even with experienced models, so don’t wait until you are in the studio to figure out how you should pose. Allocate some time to research and practice beforehand, as it will also make you comfortable posing before the camera. Take a look at other models in your niche, their poses, and the type of photos in their portfolios. Try to emulate the poses you see. 

3. Hire The Right Photographer 

Everything – your poses, outfit, and locations -- may be on point but if the photographer isn’t up to the task then your portfolio won’t bring out your best. Choosing a photographer is the first step in planning a photoshoot and is often the most important.

Ask for referrals and check their work beforehand. Most photographers will have modeling portfolios that they have shot, so you will know if they are a good fit before engaging them.

4. Get Your Hair And Make-up Done By A Professional

While it's not a must, getting a professional hair and make-up artist can add a lot of value to your modeling profile so ensure you ask your photographer for a recommendation. 

5. Prepare Adequately For The Photoshoot

Treat the photoshoot as your first modeling gig. Make sure you know the locations beforehand and make all the necessary travel arrangements. Also, ensure you have been allotted enough time so you don’t have to rush things through.

Get adequate sleep the night before the shoot. When the big day comes, arrive early. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for direction.

Ideally, you have a plan outlining exactly the kind of images you need beforehand. If not, communicate your expectations to the photographer in detail so you are both on the same page on the goals of the photoshoot. 

Decide on the wardrobe, locations, themes, poses, and concepts to reduce the risk of mistakes or nasty surprises. Depending on the type of modeling you want to pursue, ensure you get great portraits, close-ups, and full-body shots.

Potential clients and agencies want to see versatility and flexibility, especially if you are just starting out. Plan your wardrobe items to show versatility. Generally, you will want to include basic pieces of clothing that show off your frame and features. 

Take images that vary in style to demonstrate your capability of working in different productions. Play around with the poses to show off different angles and your best features. 

6. Choose Your Best Shots

This is one of the most challenging steps of creating a great modeling portfolio. After completing the photoshoot, you will have a vast collection of images to sort through carefully to ensure only the best goes into the portfolio. 

The general rule is to have 9 to 19 images, more than that is too many, and less than 9 won’t be enough to show your versatility. 

Focus on showcasing versatility and your qualities, don’t choose numerous images in the same pose, location, or wardrobe items. Select different types of images, including headshots, full-body shots, and mid shots, in different outfits and locations if possible. 

Pay attention to the first few images in your portfolio. Experts recommend including a “page-turning” shot at the front to capture the attention of anyone looking at it. Clients and agencies will look at hundreds of portfolios and will not spend time on yours if you don’t capture their attention with your first image.

7. Create Your Modeling Portfolio!

There are several ways to present your modeling portfolio. One way is using a printed portfolio. A printed modeling portfolio book comes in handy since you will be meeting many people face to face.

A printed portfolio is tangible and allows the client or scout to peruse the work with you present. You can make a portfolio by printing images and adding them to a folder, but it doesn’t look as sleek and professional as a properly printed portfolio.

A printed modeling portfolio also shows you are serious about your modeling career. 

8. Include Your Model Details

A modeling portfolio is like your resume. Don’t forget to include details such as modeling experience, hobbies, interests, work you are willing to do, and your information. Key information includes name, age, height, eye color, hair color, body measurements and sizes, distinguishing features (such as tattoos, birthmarks, etc.), and contact details.

9. Update Your Model Portfolio Regularly

As you age, it's important that you update your modeling portfolios with more recent photos and work experience. Updating your portfolio also shows clients and agencies that you are able to keep up with the latest trends.

You should also check your measurements regularly and make changes to your portfolio. You can also update or replace images when you get better shots or change hairstyles and other features. 

How To Create A Modeling Portfolio Online

The internet is where much of the action is. While there will be face-to-face meetings now and then, chances are most clients and agencies will first look at your online portfolio. 

Many top models prefer having a website as it offers an opportunity to show off other skills and qualities that may boost your modeling career. Alternatively, you can create an electronic version of your portfolio to send to potential clients online. So, how do you create a model portfolio online?

Many website builders have portfolio templates that you can select depending on the preferred layout. Once you choose a template, you can customize it to present your artistic vision and design of the portfolio. Drag and drop website builders are great if you are just starting, but if you are looking for something unique and more professional, you should hire a website designer.

Like the printed portfolio, ensure you only pick the best images for your website, with the most captivating being the most prominent. Having a website also offers an opportunity to add diverse media such as videos or other projects that you have worked on. 

Don’t forget to add an “About Me” page with your vital information, and a contact section that employers and clients can easily reach out to you. You can also share links to your online modeling portfolio on your social media pages to reach more people. 

Are you interested in taking high-quality images to build your professional modeling portfolio? Contact Michael Verity Photography for modeling portfolios, acting and business headshots, fashion editorial photography and kids portfolio styling in Portland.

Michael Verity is a Portland-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, creatives and business professionals for more than a decade. If you are in the Portland, OR or Vancouver, WA area you can book a session with us.

Featured Photos - March 2022

Spring is the time for new professional headshots and modeling portfolio updates. Here’s a selection of new work from the past month.

Claire, Stunningly

The words “beautiful inside and out” get thrown around so much they’ve become cliche. But, in Claire’s case, they couldn’t be more true. Absolutely stunning and resolutely humble, Claire is truly a beautiful person through and through. And, yeah, she takes an amazing picture. Check out this month’s Shooting Stars feature to see a retrospective of all the sessions we’ve done with Claire over the past 2 years. Claire’s outfit is by Free People and she’s represented by Ford/RBA.

Jordyn and Ayah, Adorably

Sisters Jordyn and Ayah are Phoenix-based child actors who work with me every time I head south to shoot amongst the cacti. Along with a national Macy’s commercial this past Christmas, Jordyn recently appeared in the Nicole Kidman project, Roar, on AppleTV. Ayah’s “Make a Wish” T-shirt is by Fabvokab. They’re represented in Phoenix by Ford/RBA and in LA by Dream Talent Management and The Osbrink Agency. Ayah is also represented by DDO Kids, LA.

Jude, Confidently

We were honored that Jude and his family made the 6 hour round trip from Southeastern Oregon to our Vancouver, WA studio to make headshots for his LA acting ventures. He confessed to being a little nervous but you’d never know it by the results. We’re confident of his confidence and appreciate being part of his youth acting journey.

Karissa, Colorfully

Karissa is another local kid with LA ambitions who dropped by our studio to make some kids modeling portfolio pictures. The creative brief for Karissa was quirky and colorful. Mission accomplished.

Lila, Fantastically

We photographed Lila for the first time back in December and have been singing her praises ever since. These images are from our first portfolio together, which we’ll expand upon when we go to the beach this summer. You can see more from Lila’s session on our teen modeling portfolio page.

Nina, Jaime and Whitney, Professionally

No matter what your business, a professional headshot for your LinkedIn, your website and your company’s marketing materials is an absolute must.

Nina (left) is a finance professional who chose a brown palette to compliment her red hair and convey a sense of warmth and accessibility to her clients.

Jaime (center) is a young professional whose company provides venture capital for science and research. She needed a headshot with a clean white background for her company’s website.

Whitney (right) is a real estate agent who specializes in rural and recreational properties. Shot outside, his headshot tells the story of exactly what he does.

Have a professional story to tell? Connect with us and let’s talk about your business.

Magnolia, Chris and Eleanor, Artistically

Magnolia, Chris and Eleanor are all Portland, OR actors with a variety skills and experiences. One thing they have in common is they know how important it is to have a high quality acting headshot. All three joined us in March to work up new imagery for their portfolios (and we know, for a fact, that at least two of them have had significant auditions since we snapped their mugs.)

Michael Verity is a Portland, OR-based photographer specializing in professional headshots, modeling portfolios and fashion editorial photography. The husband of an acting coach and father of two young adult actors, he’s been photographing successful actors, models and creatives and business professionals for more than a decade.

Featured Photos - February 2022

We squeezed a lot of work into the shortest month of the year. Here are some of our favorites of February.

Taiyah, Colorfully

OK, who are we kidding? We’re crushing on color images, too, and we love these pictures of our new client, Taiyah (who is also with Ryan Artists). We started outside but, when the red noses of winter got the best of us, we jumped inside and had ourselves a dance party.

Nicolas, Um, Quietly?

Make no mistake: this kiddo, who models for The Option Agency, is not the quiet type. From the moment he jumps from the car, he’s all energy and curiosity. When he got done his shoot, he went mutton busting. True story.

A.T., Handsomely

Referrals make the world go ‘round. Well, they make our world go ‘round, anyway. So we’re very grateful our client Kody Harvard (great actor name, right?) referred A.T. our way. We fell right into a groove that produced these nice relaxed images for his headshot portfolio.

Akina and Zendaya, Beautifully

Sisters Akina and Zendaya came back to our studio in February for a fun session that included the requisite number of beautiful glances (and a little bit of horsing around, too.) These pictures, taken for Ryan Artists, are just a few of our fave frames of these beauties.

Alexa, Sublimely

We’re crushing on the black and white photos these days and we’re totally crushing on Alexa, who joined the MVP family this past month with her first portfolio shoot. Next up, an editorial session that will rock the house.

Mya, Colorfully

Mya was probably Taiyah’s age when we started shooting together and she just gets more beautiful with every passing day. This session, inspired by the fashion of Billie Eilish, is our most favorite yet. This marks the first time we worked with Portland, OR hair and makeup artist, Kerrin Birchenough, who simply killed it.

Melvin, Our Stand In

OK so we don’t take pictures of pets but we couldn’t help sharing this cute picture of our man Melvin, underbite and all. He stepped onto the paper as we were setting up for some toddler sessions — they’re about the same height — so we captured Melvin’s mug for posterity.

Featured Photos - January 2022

From professionals starting anew to fun photos of some longtime favorites, we’ve enjoyed a wide variety of sessions in the month of January ‘22. Here are some of our favorite photos.

Susan, Starting Anew

After a career as a successful attorney, Susan wanted new pictures for her social and professional profiles, images that reflect a new chapter in her life. “I really like how natural these pictures are, wrinkles and all,” she told us ivia email. “These images do just what I hoped for -- they portray me as a more polished, but definitely older (yet still vibrant) version of myself.” Case closed!

Harley and Casey, Polished

Did someone say January was Handsome Guy Headshot Month? It was at our studio. Harley, on the left, is a longtime friend who came to the studio to refresh his portfolio. Casey, who’s a professional nurse, is reviving his love of musical theater, starting with a wonderful set of new headshots.

Piper, In Living Color

Taking pictures of Piper is less like doing work than going to a show. Something WILL happen and it’ll be fun. These images, taken for ZTA are some of our favorite kids portfolio pix of all time.

Jamie, Naturally

It’s no secret Jamie Mack is one of our favorite people to photograph. Her creativity, professionalism and free spirit show in each and every frame. And, in case you didn’t know it, she’s a singer along with being a model, actor and dancer. Dig it.

Lila and Ella, Rockstars

Our kids sing and dance and act and swim and make music. Even when they’re not making music, they look like rockstars, which is what our yearly Rockstar Sessions are all about.

3 Great Portfolio Places in Portland

A great photographer, who understands light and color, can make great portfolio pictures just about anywhere. Alleyways, open windows, arcades, even the parking lot of the local Starbucks. (I know this because I once shot a portfolio in the parking lot of the local Starbucks. The pictures were great. So was the coffee.)

Some places are better than others, of course, and in Portland there are a few neighborhoods that have become my favorites. Here are 3 Great Portfolio Places in Portland:

The Pearl

The Pearl

The Pearl is one of my favorites because of its diversity. The north end has a slicker more contemporary vibe while the south side is a bit edgier. There’s a good variety of color and you can generally find great light even at high noon. There are some nice parks for shooting kids (like Tanner Springs) and plenty of low traffic areas where you can take your time and get great images. Extra credit: if you’re a dog lover, The Fields is unequaled for spotting beautiful breeds of all kinds.

SE Division

Another of my favorite places to shoot portfolios is on SE Division, in the neighborhood of Pine State Biscuits. There are easily accessible, beautifully lit alleyways with a diversity of color. If you walk a few blocks east, you find a nice neighborhood vibe that works well for photographing kids. It’s also a good place to headshots. Extra credit: did I mention Pine State Biscuits?

Downtown Vancouver

It’s not technically Portland but it’s not Siberia, either. It’s just over the river and you don’t need a passport to get there.

The newly rebuilt waterfront has a ton on nicely lit spots that work super well for portfolios. There are several green spaces, good for athletic shots, and a beautiful promenade along the river that shoots well on the occasional day when it’s not sunny in the Northwest.

And there are a dozen great restaurants in the neighborhood for your post-portfolio provisions. Hint: some of the best Mexican street tacos in the area can be found at Little Conejo at the corner of 6th and Washington.

What’s your favorite spot in Portland to shoot a portfolio? We’ll join you there and make some amazing pictures. And then we’ll have lunch.

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Top Photo: Carson Verity (Brilliant Talent, LA; Option Talent, Portland; Big Fish, Seattle). Bottom Photo: Piper Evenhus (Zuri Agency)