Over the course of 15 years shooting headshots and modeling portfolios, I’ve published a number of well received articles on how to prepare for your photo session, including a three part series series called How To Rock Your Headshot Session. And, like all creatives and artists who strive to improve their game, I’m always looking for new and interesting insights from other members of the industry.
One such ally is Calgary-based photographer Rafal Wegiel. Not only does he possess remarkable technical skills and produce excellent images, he offers an array of educational opportunities and regularly publishes some excellent articles for actors, models and photographers.
One such article, entitled “The Ultimate Actor Headshot Guide: Tips for Photographers & Actors” does an excellent job of outlining the key elements that go into a great session. He talks about knowing the purpose of your images, discusses the importance of connecting with the camera and what to expect from the final images.
Experience is, of course, the your best education and having an experienced photographer coaching you through the process is essential (and that’s what separates professionals like Rafal and I from the masses). Combine the right choice of photographer with a the right preparation will deliver great results. You can take a look at Raf’s article here.