Michael Verity Photography

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Featured Photos - May 2021

Some of our favorite photographs from the month of May.

Claire, In The Moment

Photography is about taking everything and distilling it down to something. In portraiture, that something arrives through trust, that the subject will live freely and genuinely in their time and space and the photographer will be there, open, and ready to see it.

Chloe and Mya, Together

As The Rockstar Sessions goes on a short hiatus, this really cool image of two best friends serves as a closing of one chapter and the opening of another. But then life, and friendship are a lot like that.

Torrey, With Spirit

It’s not my place to tell this gentleman’s story but I will share this: he dedicates much of his personal life to helping young people. Getting to meet people like Torrey is as cool as getting to photograph them.

Kyra, Perfectly

This picture, taken on a nondescript sidewalk in a nondescript neighborhood in Portland, demonstrates that fancy settings, cool though they may be, are not necessary to product a stunning image. What is necessary is energy: light energy, human energy.

Mason, Musically

Senior pictures are always fun especially when you’re working with the musically inclined. Conversations of Robert Plant and Jimmy Page and our favorite Zeppelin songs helped us create this cool shoot by the side of the Vancouver Waterfront.

Mia, Living Her Best Life

Just outside this frame is an amazingly cooperative Dad helping to wrangle an amazingly sweet little girl. We always have to be grateful to the people who are willing to help us, right?

See last month’s Featured Photos