Featured Photos - March 2021

Some of our favorite photographs from the month of March.

JaBryce, Happily

Some people are just a joy to work with. That was the case from the first snap of this kind and spirited young actor. We talked about all kinds of things and, at some point, I must’ve said something funny because this is as genuine as a smile can be.

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Chanel, Sassily

Is “sassily” a word? If not, we’re inventing it to describe this little miss who rocked the camera at her very first portfolio session. Props to Mom, too, who rounded out her wardrobe with a smashing pink velour track suit and a fuzzy pink dress. Sassy, indeed.

Bethany, Perfectly

One of four acting sisters in a super-creative and intelligent family, Bethany is the kind of kid who just shines in front of the camera. No monkeyshines at work here, though. She’s too smart for that. Just a pleasant conversation, a few smiles and one of the very best headshots in a month full of headshots.

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Hannah a la Marilyn

Hardly a month goes by that we don’t feature at least one image of Hannah. And for good reason. How gorgeous is this image, inspired by Marilyn Monroe and updated for today? The beautiful tones of this picture were created using the “white box” technique made famous by Richard Avedon: a white wall behind her (turned slightly blue for effect), white V-flats on each side, a white card below and a big white soft box above makes for perfection in camera.