For those who were wondering, we shoot boys at the beach, too!
This guy is a true sweetheart, a real pleasure to work with. We've never taken a bad headshot of him, we totally dig the shots of him in the dunes and the black and white image at the end of the set is one of our favorites of the year (hint to Columbia Sportswear).
Casting directors and creatives interested in working with Ronan should hit up Jennifer at Ryan Artists in Portland.
Clothing styling by Claire Verity.
Tech Stuff: These were shot on a cloudy morning in Seaside, OR using a Canon 5D MKIII, a 70-200 and a few reflectors. The headshot was actually done in our hotel room, while it was raining, with Ronan facing a sliding glass door. The black and whites are pretty straight forward: a little exposure and highlight adjustment and converted to B&W in Lightroom. The horizontal image has a little more magic involved, including the removal of a swingset camera left and the enhancement of the sky using a blue soft light overlay and a bit of masking and painting.