Lilian is one of those kids who can wear any outfit -- from a fancy dress to beach wear to jeans and a leather jacket -- and look awesome no matter what. This set of images were taken at the beach, in Seaside, OR, about a month ago. We figure they pretty much speak for themselves!

Lilian - Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA Tween Model Photography LM1
Lilian - Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA Tween Model Photography LM3
Lilian - Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA Tween Model Photography LM3
Lilian - Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA Tween Model Photography LM4

TECH STUFF: Everything here was shot with my usual kit: Canon 5D MKIII and 70-200mm f2.8. We used a silver reflector here and there to light up her eyes (see image #3). The weather had "Mixed Emotions" (reference: a Rolling Stones song) as the clouds came and went, which made lighting a bit of a challenge at times. I used Lightroom for basic adjustments (camera calibration, sharpening, highlight/shadow, white balance) and finished the images in Photoshop.